


To anyone that is looking for self transformation, more balance in their lives and to truly feel accomplished with themselves…. I challenge you to a Year of  ________. (fill in the blank: Gratitude, Love, Joy or Peace)

This may look similar in some ways to each of you or completely different. Let it inspire you to make the right path for yourself and who knows, maybe re-ignite your New Year’s resolutions if you have already forgotten about them or lost steam…or you may decide to change them!

How this all started for me…I am inspired this year by an old friend whom was the inspiration for a blog that I read about 3 months ago. I could completely relate and was compelled to look at myself to make the changes and improvements in my life.

So I asked myself…..WHAT is it that I really truly and so desperately want to accomplish in 2017? To not just be a New Year’s resolution, but to transform.
I spent a great deal of time thinking about that question before I decided on what would make me happy much like my friend had. I started to tap into skills that I use to make critical decisions at work daily to weigh the overall benefits and what EXACTLY would this plan look like. And what would be my plan A, B or C for any challenges that got in the way.

Apart of my journey into a Year of Peace is to be happy and PROUD of my blueprint and how I am showing up…..the impression that I am leaving on my children, family and friends and to inspire others. This is what I have a passion for and is essentially the core of my being. I look to inspire everyday at work and am driven by organizational design and process improvements. Now I am implementing this into my everyday life. This is my self transformation of being mindful and intentional…..and one of the many things that I will see myself do in 2017.

I am including below the blog that inspired me and I hope that it inspires you in the way that you need it to as most inspiration comes from someone that you know or have some type of connection with.
